Some other projects I do on GitHub (english).

TNC Telnet

An AX.25 emulator for TCP connections.

This interface emulates WA8DED’s The Firmware TNC and makes regular Telnet traffic appears like AX.25.

TNC Telnet

Source repository

(Updated Apr 2024)

ATECC608 Tools

Command-line tools to work with Microchip Crypto-Authentication devices.

Proposed ATECC608 configuration to play and learn. Basic commands, examples and use cases.

ATECC608 Tools

Source repository

(Updated Apr 2024)

Verilog VGA

A project to learn how to work with a Gowin FPGA (Sipeed Tang Nano) and a LCD display.

Increasing degree of difficulty:

  • Patterns
  • Images
  • Text
  • Serial terminal

Each repository have a readme file listing key points and examples, as well as an extensive blog post with a detailed explanation (in spanish).

Verilog VGA

Source repository

(Updated Jan 2024)

Easy MCP2221

Complete Python library for Microchip devices MCP2221 and MCP2221A. Full documentation here:

(Updated Jul 2022)

Web Padlock

This project can be used to deny access to a system from unknown devices.

(Updated Oct 2020)


Matlab plots simulating an analog oscilloscope screen.

(Updated Feb 2020)


Big-banged I2C LCD for Raspberry PI

Library to use PCF8574 based LCD via software I2C bus in a Raspberry Pi. This is a C library that you can use to connect a PCF8574 based LCD to any of your available GPIO ports. It uses software emulated (bit-banged) I2C bus.

(Updated Jul 2018)


Software emulated I2C for Raspberry using wiringPi. This is a basic software (bit-banged) implementation of the I2C protocol using WiringPi library for GPIO.

(Updated Sep 2018)


Pure Perl ssdeep (CTPH) fuzzy hashing

This module provides simple implementation of ssdeep fuzzy hashing also known as Context Triggered Piecewise Hashing (CTPH).

Thanks to Christoph Biedl for create a Debian Package from it: libdigest-ssdeep-perl.

(Updated 2013)